Since 1890 ... Experience the History

Do’s and Dont’s When Visiting Wedding Venues

Happy engagement season! We love this time of year at Elliston, it is our busiest time in the office, with newly engaged couples coming in to view our estate. We take our time to make sure every couple has all of the information they need during the tour, and that they truly get a feel for our property and our staff.

This is one of the first choices couples make when planning their wedding, and it is a big decision! Narrowing down what you want in a venue is the best start on planning your dream wedding. We hope this Do & Don’t list will help you start your wedding planning on a great note!

DO Make an Appointment.

We want to make sure that when you visit us, we can have plenty of one-on-one time to show you our estate. Some days we have events, photo shoots, weddings, or we are already booked up for tours, so it’s always best to call ahead to make sure we are able to meet with you!

Pearl Hsieh Photography

DON’T Crowd Yourself

We understand how important it is to have families view the event space (especially if they are contributing financially). It is also important to remember that the day is about you and your fiance, and ultimately you will be making all of the decisions for your wedding. Having large groups (more than 4 people) come in for a tour, usually equal a stressed out bride and groom. You don’t want too many cooks in the kitchen. We recommend only the bride and groom come in for the first tour, once you have a short list of venues that you love, bring families in to be the tie breaker.

DO Arrive On Time

Our coordinators want to make the most of your time here. Arriving more than 10 minutes late, or more than 30 minutes early might mean that we can’t give you the full experience of visiting our estate. It may also interfere with other couples who have come to visit us, so please give us a call if you are running late or early. We are happy to accommodate you with advanced notice! 🙂

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DON’T Be Afraid to Ask for Clarification

If something that is in our information packet, or something that we have said does not make sense, don’t be afraid to ask! We are here to help, and know that most people who are visiting have never planned a wedding before. We are happy to help answer any questions you may have. And on that note…

DO Bring a List of Questions

We love when couples come in with a list of questions! We know it can be difficult to remember all of the questions that you have before the tour. Having a list of questions can help you remember any questions that you may have. Here Comes The Guide has a fantastic list of questions to ask!

DO Read Over the Wedding Packet

After looking at numerous venues, it can be easy to get the details mixed up. Every venue is different! Before your tour, read over the information packet that we sent you, to give you a quick refresher of the services and items we provide. Most of these things will be reviewed during the tour, but it’s always helpful to look over it before your visit.

Pearl Hsieh Photography

DON’T Overbook Yourself

If you are visiting multiple venues in one day, or if you have any plans after your tours, make sure to give yourself enough time to get to all of your appointments on time. Make sure you ask each venue how long tours typically take, and consider how long it takes to drive to each venue. It’s always a good idea to give yourself some extra time just in case!

Yulia M. Photography

DO Know What You Want

Before you schedule tours, sit down with your fiance and think about what you are looking for in a venue. Are you looking for something rustic, glam, something close to your house, outdoor/indoors? Once you have an idea, you can start seriously looking at venues that fit into your wedding vision.

On the same lines, have an idea of what you want for your wedding. Ideally you should have a season and year picked out. Think about if you want a Saturday evening, or if you are open to Fridays & Sundays. Have an estimated guest count in mind as well! Most venues will give you an estimate, and having these details will give you a more accurate number. Don’t worry! These things are not set in stone, and can always be changed at a later date.

Keep these do’s and don’ts in mind when visiting wedding venues to make the most of your visit! Happy wedding planning!

"From the moment we first toured Elliston, we knew that this was where we were going to get married. The entire planning process was so easy, thanks to Madeline. She saw to our every need. She was fantastic to work with and understood all of our questions, concerns & ideas along the way. Madeline executed our wedding perfectly, giving us the wedding of our dreams! We received countless compliments from our guests about Elliston's staff and the facilities. We cannot thank you enough, and look forward to visiting for years to come, to reminisce about our wedding day. Thank you!" - Tracey & David - August 26, 2017